GreenFlex References LIFE CirculEnergies LIFE CirculEnergies Development of tomorrow’s zero-carbon business parks The LIFE CirculEnergies project The LIFE CirculEnergies project was born of two observations: The need for organisations and businesses to make the transition to a greener environment has been recognised, but implementing it remains complex. This is particularly the case for business parks, which play an important role in our regions, accounting for 30% of urbanised areas. These business parks are the heart of economic activity in our regions, but their urban development model is now being called into question: high energy consumption, soil artificialisation, carbon-based mobility generated, unsuitability for climate change, frequent disconnection from the surrounding urban fabric – these issues need to be addressed. These business parks are also home to a large number of economic players who are vital to the life of the region. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular. These businesses face a number of difficulties in implementing their energy and environmental transition (difficulties in identifying financing solutions, lack of time or resources, difficulties in sorting through requests, regulatory complexities, etc.). They need support to make their transition a success. With this in mind GreenFlex, Tecsol, Valoen and LLC & Associés decided to join forces to create a consortium with complementary skills in the fields of energy and the environment. Our action for the low-carbon transition of ZAEs We support SMEs in finding solutions to reduce their energy consumption. An innovative collective approach to get ZAEs moving towards a zero-carbon objective. The types of projects deployed with LIFE CirculEnergies The programme provides a comprehensive financing plan to develop renewable energy production, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility projects. Energy efficiency Replacement of equipment (HVAC, lighting, commercial refrigeration), installation of heat pumps, building management systems (BMS), building envelope (insulation, joinery). Photovoltaics Production of photovoltaic solar electricity, on roofs, car parks or small sites on the ground. Sustainable mobility Installation of recharging stations for electric vehicles Companies in the same business park are first selected according to a set of criteria, and then offered a multi-stage financing package to identify, develop and implement an energy efficiency or renewable energy production project. The process is fully supported by the European Commission’s LIFE program, up to the point of flow mapping (stage 2.2). Subsequent stages (2.3 to 2.5) are also financed, subject to implementation. This program will be deployed throughout France until 2025. The European Commission’s LIFE program is a financing instrument dedicated to the environment and climate action. It aims to support innovative projects that contribute to Europe’s ecological transition. The program finances initiatives in the fields of nature conservation, biodiversity, resource efficiency, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and environmental governance. LIFE thus encourages concrete action to protect the environment, combat climate change and promote sustainable development. LIFE CirculEnergies partners GreenFlex supports organisations in the transition of their activities by offering operational and strategic services in the field of energy management and the reduction ofCO2 emissions. As part of LIFE CirculEnergies, it contributes its know-how to energy engineering and management projects by offering turnkey solutions and energy performance contracts. Greenflex also offers financing solutions for low-carbon projects through schemes such as Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs) and leasing options. Valoen is a consultancy specialising in project management assistance for photovoltaic projects. Founded in 2021, the company focuses on the energy optimisation of business parks, the massification of photovoltaics, and the structuring of energy sharing. On this project, Valoen is contributing with its expertise in short electricity circuits and project financing. Its role is also to work on targeting businesses and prioritising sites. Tecsol is recognised for its expertise in the design and monitoring of solar projects, offering high-quality photovoltaic project management. It also provides advanced tools for monitoring and supervising photovoltaic (PV) installations, guaranteeing optimum performance of solar systems throughout their lifecycle. This technical expertise is fundamental to the technical and operational success of solar projects. Founded in 1982, the company puts innovation at the heart of its activities and regularly trains professionals to contribute to a solar energy future. LLC et Associés is a group of law firms offering legal services in a wide range of areas (including real estate, tax, corporate, commercial, employment, banking and many other specialist sectors) and is used to working with SMEs and local authorities. LLC brings its legal and regulatory expertise to this project, supporting projects at every stage with rigorous legal engineering. Specialising in particular in legal arrangements for short electricity circuits, LLC ensures the legal compliance of projects and optimises their legal structure to maximise their efficiency and sustainability. Contact us LinkedIn contact(at) Project documentation WPI D2.1 – Mapping of business parks The objective of this deliverable is to identify the characteristics of business parks that promote the deployment of the LIFE CirculEnergies project. Based on previously selected business parks, the consortium has developed a methodology to identify the most promising business parks by combining data analysis and knowledge of local authorities. LCE WP2_D2.5 – Market study of business parks in France and Europe The aim of this market study is to draw up an overview of business parks in France in order to assess their potential for energy installations (photovoltaic panels, charging stations) and their compatibility with the deployment of LIFE CirculEnergies. LCE-WP2_D2.4 – Report on updated research about EU best practices As part of this benchmarking exercise, several European projects were analysed in order to identify the best practices that would ensure the success of the next stages of LIFE CirculEnergies. The projects studied aimed to help companies reduce their environmental impact through measures such as energy efficiency, the installation of photovoltaic panels and charging stations. Events and meetings 19 meetings organized with public authorities 359 companies met The consortium took part in several events since the beginning of the project Conférence de lancement LIFE CirculEnergies – January 2023 6ème université de l’autoconsomation collective – September 2023 Trade fair for transition – October 2023 Salon Energaïa – December 2023 Salon Open Energies – January 2024 European Sustainable Energy Week 2024 – June 2024 Disclaimer: this page reflects only the author’s view; and exempts the European Union from any use that may be made of the information it contains. Would you like to know more about the programme? Ask us your questions Get in touch with us